SB 266 Will Cause Irreversible Harm to Florida’s Higher Education System
Today, the Florida House passed SB 266, sending the bill to Gov. DeSantis’s desk for signature. While the bill’s supporters have claimed that it will provide “accountability” to Florida’s colleges and universities, SB 266 is in fact another unconstitutional attack upon the freedoms of Florida’s students to learn and faculty’s rights to teach—freedoms that are undermined by state-sponsored indoctrination and control.
Make no mistake, despite efforts to paint the bill as substantially less aggressive than its companion HB 999, SB 266 will—
UFF-Press-Release-SB-266-_05-03-2023In short, SB 266 is a key example of how Gov. DeSantis and his supporters in the legislature have decided that the state has the right to control and compel viewpoints in higher education classrooms across the state. UFF stands opposed to this fundamental attack upon the freedoms of all Floridians, and we call on all organizations—public and private, whether in education or otherwise—to stand with us.