Sign Our Petition: Protect University Tenure!

The Board of Governors recently approved a post-tenure review regulation (BOG 10.003) for the State University System (SUS), which will—in some form—also apply to SUS institutions without tenure. The approval process for this regulation requires a two-week period for public comment, and after 30-days the Board can formally adopt the regulation with any final revisions. We believe this final adoption will occur during the Board of Governors’ next scheduled meeting at Florida International University on January 24th-25th, 2023.

UFF has stated repeatedly that this regulation, if adopted in its current form, will virtually eliminate tenure in the state of Florida. In response, we need all of our members, colleagues, family, and community allies across the state to join in organizing to halt or amend it before time runs out.

For the first step in this campaign, we are asking every member of the higher education community to provide public comment on this proposed regulation. If you have not yet left a comment for the Board of Governors, please do so as soon as possible! Providing public comment is simple, and you can easily participate by using the following steps:

1. Familiarize yourself with the details of the policy by reading it here.

2. Review the talking-points drafted by UFF leaders and members, which are designed to assist you in formulating your thoughts.

3. Use this template for guidance on writing your comment. Consider writing your comment in a separate document, then copying it into the website’s comment box.

4. Send your comment to the Board of Governors using their website. Scroll down to “Chapter 10: Miscellaneous Provisions,” then select the “Submit a Comment” link in the “Post-Tenure Faculty Review” box. If you do not see the “Submit” button, you may need to zoom out on your browser.

5. Ask five of your colleagues, friends, family members, community allies, and local elected officials to also leave public comment on or to otherwise advocate against the regulation.

The deadline to leave public comment is extended to Friday, December 9th, 2022, so don’t delay! Leave your comment as soon as possible and encourage others to do so as well!

Author: Shenel

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