Press Release

PRESS RELEASE: Higher Education Leaders, Students Speak Out Against Curriculum Attacks

Educators from all of Florida’s public colleges and universities are confronting and pushing back against a vast censorship on what Florida’s students have the right to learn. Join us on a virtual speak out that will feature student, faculty, parent, and national voices discussing the negative impact such laws have had upon them and higher education in general, along with the need to push back against such bureaucratic and political overreach.

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PRESS RELEASE: FAMU Faculty Union Sues State Over Union Busting Law

UFF-FAMU chapter to file a lawsuit against the state of Florida for the union-busting efforts in 2023’s SB 256 and 2024’s SB 1746. The plaintiffs, UFF-FAMU, UFF, the Education Association of Saint Lucie, Saint Lucie teacher Eric Graff, and FAMU professor Dr. James Muchovej are pushing back against the arbitrary 60% threshold and the government mandated membership authorization form because they violate Florida workers’ constitutional right to collectively bargain, freely associate, and organize.

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PRESS RELEASE:: University of Florida Faculty Leaders Speak out on DEI Terminations

“Repeated attacks on DEI by Florida leaders stem not from a misunderstanding of DEI, but from a purposeful misrepresentation and fear mongering campaign. Make no mistake, these attacks on DEI will continue, and they will not remain centered on our higher education systems.” “The Florida Board of Governors and the Florida legislature have worked nonstop to silence discussion and education around histories of oppression and marginalization. They do so under the premise of “anti-discrimination”; however, they purposefully ignore and obviate existing socio-economic power imbalances, rendering their “anti-discrimination”

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