2025 UFF Statewide Elections


Positions Elected By Acclamation

As per the UFF Bylaws, “In the event only one candidate has been nominated by the published nomination deadline, then that candidate shall be deemed elected by acclamation and no election by secret ballot of the membership is required.” Only one candidate was nominated and accepted for the following offices. The following members have been deemed elected by acclamation.

VP of the Graduate Assistants United Bargaining Council:  Tessa Barber, USF-GAU

VP of the Independent Colleges Bargaining Council: Valerie Wright, Saint Leo    

VP of the State University System: Robin Goodman, FSU

Chair of Government Relations Committee: Jonathan Fink, UWF               

Chair of Leadership, Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity (LEID) Committee: Elizabeth Key-Raimer, HCC

Chair of Membership Committee: Jen Fulwider, FGCU

Candidate Statements for UFF President

Teresa M. Hodge, Ph.D., UFF President | 2025 UFF Presidential Candidate

Teresa M. Hodge, Ph.D. UFF President

I’m Teresa M. Hodge and I’ve served UFF for 23 years through the Broward College chapter. While I am a researcher by training, I became a mathematics professor by calling and that has extended to my union work which started at my chapter where I’ve actively served since August 2002. I started out as a building steward then became a membership co-chair, grievance officer, bargaining team member, vice president, and chapter president. In a way, you could say that I’ve served in almost every role at my chapter. I’ve also served at the statewide UFF and FEA levels, and at the national level.

For us to thrive as a union, I believe we must move toward an organizing mindset and forge a path where we are continuously engaging with our current members, developing members into leaders, and organizing new members. In this unique time of crisis with higher education in Florida on the frontlines of the attacks we’re now seeing being diffused across the nation, I’ve been and will continue to ensure that UFF is in the room and at the table.

I have the experience and knowledge to thoroughly represent you as UFF President, but I also have the heart, passion, and steadfastness for this work with no agenda other than to see UFF thrive, grow, and have an impact for the benefit of all its members.

Together we will weather this storm, and I am committed to doing just that as your UFF President.

– Teresa M. Hodge, Ph.D., UFF President | UFF Presidential Candidate

Robert Cassanello, UFF First Vice President | 2025 UFF Presidential Candidate

Robert Cassanello, UFF First Vice President | 2025 UFF Presidential Candidate

We are at ground zero of a nationwide effort to destroy higher education and public sector unions. We’ve seen college and university presidents and administrators become willing participants in diminishing public higher education as we knew it. I stood up and sued the state over HB7 and spoke to the press about the legislative assaults on our workplace. To save our colleges and universities, we must ensure the continued existence of our union. This means building up union density and making our union more democratic. We can only combat what is coming down from Tallahassee through member to member, rank and file organizing.
As President of UFF-UCF, I assumed leadership of a chapter that was in sharp decline.  During two terms I instilled confidence in our former members who rejoined our ranks. As state Vice President I helped plan a statewide organizing meet-up, where leaders from across the state came together to develop their organizing skills and strategize about how to build their chapters.

We must build a truly democratic union, one run by and for members. I want a union that reflects our priorities, that defends academic freedom and that wins compensation on par with the cost of living. I will open up the work of the Steering Committee to our union leaders. I will lead us in building this union by working to ensure we have a strong representative structure on all our campuses and by using the Senate as a democratic forum to shape our organizing priorities.

Robert Cassanello, UFF First Vice President | 2025 UFF Presidential Candidate

Candidate Statements for First Vice-President

Dr. Andrea Apa | UFF-BC Chapter President

For the past two years, I have had the honor of serving as President of the United Faculty of Florida, Broward College (UFF-BC). I have fought to provide strong faculty representation, ensure transparency in our dealings with administration, and uphold the strength of our chapter.

I am running for UFF Vice President because I believe in the power of collective action and the critical role our union plays in protecting academic freedom, fair compensation, and shared governance. At a time when faculty across Florida are facing unprecedented challenges, we need experienced leadership to unify and strengthen our chapters.

With over 25 years in higher education, including leadership roles as Faculty Senate President and UFF-BC Chapter President, I have navigated complex negotiations, fought for faculty rights, and worked to build a stronger union presence on my campus. I will bring this same dedication to the state level—focusing on organizing, increasing membership, and ensuring that every chapter has the support it needs to protect faculty voices.

Now more than ever, we must stand together. We must defend our profession, fight for fair working conditions, and show that we are stronger united. I ask for your support to continue this important work as your next UFF First Vice President.

Dr. Andrea Apa
Senior Professor
UFF-BC Chapter President

Dr. Samique March-Dallas, Ph.D., CFA | UFF-FAMU Chapter President

I am honored to run for the position of First Vice President of the United Faculty of Florida. With extensive experience in both finance and union organizing, I am uniquely qualified to serve our membership in this critical role.

As a finance professor and CFA, I bring a deep understanding of budgetary processes and fiscal management to the position responsible for overseeing UFF’s budget. My academic expertise is complemented by real-world experience as a financial consultant as well as treasurer for multiple non-profit organizations – consistently demonstrating sound financial stewardship and strategic resource allocation.

I have deep ties to unionism as there are several teachers in my family. My service to UFF as a delegate to both the NEA and AFT has broadened my perspective on the challenges facing higher education faculty nationwide and provided valuable connections with union leaders across the country. My service to UFF-FAMU reflects my union values and commitment. As UFF-FAMU lead organizer, I have successfully maintained membership density above 50% – a crucial threshold for ensuring our collective bargaining power remains strong.

If elected First Vice President, I pledge to:

  • Maintain transparent fiscal management and clear communication about our financial position
  • Develop strategic budgeting that aligns our resources with our priorities
  • Leverage my organizing experience to continue building our membership strength

I believe that a strong union requires both principled leadership and sound financial management. With your support, I will bring both to the position of First Vice President.

Thank you for your consideration.

Samique March-Dallas, Ph.D., CFA

Candidate Statements for Vice-President of the College Bargaining Council (VP-CBC)

Jeremy Norton | UFF-LSSC President

My name is Jeremy Norton; I am a Professor of Political Science at Lake-Sumter State College, having served as a faculty member for 20 years. As we unionized in 2018, I worked on the organizing committee and served as a primary negotiator from the beginning of the process. We have been successful in getting initial agreements which include an average 25% increase in salaries for our unit members over the past three years. I am also the current UFF-LSSC President. I hope to continue the process of sharing challenges and accomplishments with the College Bargaining Council and ensuring that the needs of the colleges are met within the Steering Committee. Thank you for your consideration.

Jessica Magnani, Ph.D. | UFF-SPC Chapter President

Jessica Magnani, Ph.D., St. Petersburg College Understanding, transparency, and kindness are some of the skills I believe are essential to building a strong, democratic union. I have been an English professor at SPC for 17 years, and I am passionate about helping my students and building our union. In 2020 during a global pandemic, I lead my chapter’s successful, virtual unionization efforts, and have since served as chapter president and as a member of the bargaining team. Last fall, we ratified our first CBA and negotiated significant salary increases, including a more than 40% increase to starting salaries. 

Since 2020, I have volunteered for various committees and represented UFF members with our affiliates—FEA, AFT, NEA, and more recently Higher Education Labor United (HELU). In 2024, I took on the role of chair of UFF’s Government Relations Committee, and have since worked on increasing representation in the committee, promoting and sharing non-partisan election materials, developing and sharing resources for effective legislative advocacy, and working with FEA’s advocacy team to share member perspectives and concerns about newly proposed legislation. As chair of Government Relations, I have also served as a member of the UFF Steering Committee.

If elected, I commit to representing the colleges in all my work, not just on the Steering Committee. Working together, sharing resources, advocating for one another, we can effect meaningful change, not only at the bargaining table, but statewide.  I look forward to working with you to increase opportunities for collaboration and ensure the colleges feel supported in all facets of union work.

Candidate Statement for FEA Governance Board Member

Dr. Blaine Wall | UFF-PSC Chapter President

Since joining Pensacola State College in 2003, I have been an active member of UFF, holding various leadership roles including newsletter editor, Executive Board member, chief negotiator, vice president, and currently, president. Over the past 20 years, I have served as a UFF senator, FEA delegate, and attended NEA assemblies and AFT conventions. Recently, I represented state college faculty on two NBI committees, serving as co-chair of the Committee to Study the Roles of Officers and the UFF Executive Director.

With a dedicated team at PSC, I have navigated challenges from anti-union legislation, working closely with UFF and FEA leaders to maintain a vibrant, growing chapter. Our collective efforts have resulted in exceeding the 60% membership density requirement for several years, demonstrating our resilience and commitment.

As a professor of English at PSC, I teach composition, research, and literature courses, holding a bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree in English. My academic focus includes 20th-century American literature and marginalized writers. Additionally, I serve as vice chair on the Board of Governance for the West Florida Public Libraries, where I contribute to literacy and educational initiatives in the community.

I am eager to bring my experience and dedication to the FEA Governance Board, representing UFF with integrity and passion. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to the opportunity to serve.

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